English, asked by asirifianthony, 1 year ago

Discuss disadvantages of Optical spacing and mechanical spacing and why not more than 800 words


Answered by yasmineabouwatfa

Answer:e effectiveness of instructional materials can be enhanced by the lettering used for verbal information accompanying illustrations. The lettering must be easy to read. Four factors should be considered.

- Size. Experiments have shown that to be readable, letters should be at least a half-inch high when the viewer's distance is 10 feet. They should be proportionately larger as the viewer's distance increases.

When giving presentations outdoors, groups are usually large and therefore viewing distance usually is much greater. Increase lettering size accordingly.

- Style. The style used also determines how easily the letters can be read. Letters in simple style are more easily read than those in a complex style. In long sentences or paragraphs, lower case letters combined with capitals are more legible than all capitals.

Difficult to read

Easy to read

- Spacing. Spacing refers to the amount of space left between the letters in a word, between the words themselves, and between lines. A neat lettering job can be ruined by improper spacing. There are two types of letter spacing, mechanical and optical.

In mechanical spacing the separate letters are treated as if they were in a box or rectangular block. The spacing is determined by the equalization of the distances between the blocks. This type of spacing, while relatively easy to do, is commonly used only by machine lettering, as exemplified by this printed page. With optical spacing, the space between the letters is equalized by considering the differences in the shapes of the various letters. The alphabet can be divided into three letter types.

The first category is the regular or rectangular letter such as E, H. I, M, N. and U. There is no problem in spacing between these letters.


In the second category are the circular letters - B. C, D, G. O. a R. and S. They should be placed closer to their neighbors to equalize the white space or area between the letters.


The third category of letters are the irregular letters such as A, F. J. K, L, P. T. W. X, Y. and Z. These letters are more difficult to space. The basic consideration is the equalization of the area or white space between the letters themselves.


Most people have a tendency to leave in sufficient space between letters which give them a squeezed appearance as shown in the example of the word, MINIMUM. Avoid crowding to improve legibility.



In addition to spacing carefully, avoid crowding between words and between lines. There are general rules for spacing lettering, but the best way to learn is through practice. Keep in mind that spacing is simply the arrangement of letters to form words so they can be read easily and look attractive to the eye.

- Contrast. The contrast between letters and their background is an important factor in readability. Light-colored letters should be used on a dark background or dark letters on a light-colored background. When using light-colored letters on a dark background, the lines should be slightly thicker than when using dark-colored letters on a light background.

Family Planning

Lettering may be the job of a highly skilled artist; however, anyone concerned with effective communication should be interested in the extent to which lettering transmits ideas more effectively. In addition to being neat and easily read, lettering should be easy to do. There are several lettering techniques.

Hand Lettering

Legible hand lettering is really quite easy to do. Keep in mind the basic rules. Use a simple style, space carefully, contrast the letters with the background, and make the lettering large enough to be read easily by all viewers. Draw guidelines and lightly sketch in the letters to get the proper spacing.

Lettering pens in a variety of sizes and styles are available from most book or stationery stores. These can be used with India ink or with colored drawing inks. The illustration shows one legible, hand-lettered alphabet.


Answered by nvpsk1975






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