Discuss mahatma gandhi’s concept of seven sins.
Gandhi listed SEVEN SINS which every human should abstain from. These are,
1) Wealth without Work : It depicts making wealth by UNFAIR means, by taking short cuts. "Black Money" is a case in point.
2) Pleasure without Conscience : Happiness that is earned at the expense of others is no less than a sin. A person's SELFISHNESS forces him to neglect the interests of others.
3) Knowledge without character : Bruce Lee said, "Knowledge will give you power. Character gives you respect." Character imbibes qualities of INTEGRITY and HONESTY in a knowledgeable person. This sin can make a person like Osama Bin Laden and knowledge with character can make him like Dr. Kalam.
4) Business without morality : This sin can make many suffer. Poor working conditions, adulteration, lack of security are examples of this sin.
5) Science without humanity : Pakistan has nukes but the socio-economic conditions of the nation are worsening with time.
6) Religion without sacrifice : Religion today has been reduced to mere practices and rituals. Not bringing the religious teachings of COMPASSION, AFFECTION and BROTHERHOOD in our lives is a sin.
7) Politics without principle : The advent of money and muscle power, lack of conviction and principles in politics is a sin.
The idea of "welfare state" can come true when Gandhi's vision be incorporated in all spheres of life.