Biology, asked by AnimeshAnee, 1 year ago

Discuss nutrition and its types


Answered by DakshP
Nutrition is a process of intake of nutrients by an organisms as well as its utilization by the organisms.

There are mainly two types of nutrition.
(1)Autotrophic nutrition:It is the mode of nutrition in which an organism synthesize its own food from the simple inorganic materials like CO_2 and water present in the surroundings with the help of sunlight.

(2)Heterotrophic nutrition:It is the mode of nutrition in which an organism cannot synthesize its own food from simple inorganic materials like CO_2 and H_2O and depends on other organisms for its food.
Answered by Rishita2003
nutrition is a process by which food is taken by organism and used by it's body is called nutrition

there are mainly two types of nutritions
1. Heterotroph nutrition:It is a nutrition in which an organism depends on others for its food is called heterotroph nutrition
2.Autotroph nutrition:it is a nutrition in which 
plants  can make or synthetize their food by photosynthesis is called autotroph nutrition
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