Discuss the advantages of fet over conventional transistor
An advantage of the FET is its high gate to main current resistance of the order of 100 MΩ or more, thus ensuring a high degree of isolation between control and flow. Since base current noise will increase with training time, a FET typically produces less noise than a bipolar transistor (BJT) and is thus found in noise-sensitive electronics such as tuners and low noise amplifiers for receivers VHF and satellite main advantage of fet.
Second advantage of fet, It is relatively immune to radiation. It does not show any compensation voltage to zero drain current and therefore makes an excellent signal helicopter. It usually has better thermal stability than a BJT. Since they are controlled by the gate gate, once the gate is closed or open, there is no extra power draw, as with a bipolar junction transistor or non-latching relays in some states. This allows extremely low power switching, which in turn allows for a larger miniaturization of circuits because the heat dissipation needs are reduced compared to other types of switches.