Discuss the control of cancer and prepare poster for the displaying in classroom.
Wow, I just had my first poster presentation today, came home, and the first I see on Quora is this question, what kind of sorcery is that? :D My poster was said to look well and I saw many good and even more bad ones, so... In general I agree with answers so far, especially Ankit Aneja's and comments on it (many clear figures, few of large text...). I'd like to add:
- especially for such a large poster, put content in at least two columns, especially never (except the title) a line of text flowing all the way from left to right (that is terribly hard to read, because you have to move your eyes and even head a lot, except if it is huge and you are reading from far away)
- colored background with white boxes is the safest way to go, though vice-versa can also work very well if there are reasons for it, just be very careful to have a good contrast between content (especially text) and background it is on, so that it is easily readable; try to use something interesting related to your research as background if applicable (for example someone worked on tomatoes and had huge tomatoes as background - that poster was noticed and liked!), and/or some interesting related photos