Discuss the fatigue study and method study??
Fatigue Study– This technique is regarding requirement of rest or break during the work. If a worker works continuously physical and mental fatigue sets. This reduces his/her efficiency. Thus, the worker requires rest or break. Fatigue study identifies the intervals required while completing a task. It suggests that standard break timings should be decided for improving the working performance of workers.Read more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/19858/discuss-following-techniques-scientific-work-study-time-study-motion-study-fatigue-study.
Method Study– This study aims at finding out the best method of completing any work. It takes into account each and every activity involved in the task. It helps in reducing the costs and maximising the satisfaction of the customers. Assembly line production, used by Ford Motors is a popular example of method study.Read more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/19858/discuss-following-techniques-scientific-work-study-time-study-motion-study-fatigue-study
Method Study is the study of work (method) for a job to achieve process improvement, improve layout, improve design, better working environment, and reducing fatigue.
Method study is more of a systematic approach to job design than a set of techniques
It is defined as the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed methods of doing work
It is one of the keys to achieving productivity improvement in garment industry
Method study is essentially used for finding better ways of doing work
It is also a technique for cost reduction in garments manufacturing
Objectives of Method Study
Improvement of processes and procedures
Improvement in the design of plant and equipment
Improvement of layout
Improvement in the use of men, materials and machines
Economy in human effort and reduction of unnecessary fatigue
Improvement in safety standards
Development of better working environment

Method Study Flow Chart
These eight steps, constitute the logical procedure that a work-study specialist could normally apply. In practice, however, the procedure isnot as straightforward as it is presented here. For example, when measuring theresults achieved by the new method one may find that the resulting costeffectivenessmay be negligible and does not warrant the added investment intime and effort to develop the perceived method. In this case the work-study person may have to go back to the drawing board to examine the job oncemore and try to develop another improved method.
In other circumstances experience with a new improved method may bring to the surface new problems, in which case the process of examination,development and subsequent steps has to be repeated again.
Work selected for method study may be an identified problem area or an identified opportunity. It may be identified through a systematic review of available data, normal monitoring or control processes, high levels of dissatisfaction and complaint or as part of a change in management policy, practice, technology or location, and usually because it meets certain conditions of urgency and/or priority.
The Record stage of method study involves gathering sufficient data (in terms of both quality and quantity) to act as the basis of evaluation and examination. A wide range of techniques are available for recording; the choice depends on the nature of the investigation; the work being studied; and on the level of detail required. Many of the techniques are simple charts and diagrams, but these may be supplemented by photographic and video recording, and by computer based techniques.
Especially with “hard” (clearly defined) problems, method study often involves the construction and analysis of models, from simple charts and diagrams used to record and represent the situation to full, computerised simulations. Manipulation of and experimentation on the models leads to ideas for development.
Examining the way, the job is being performed and challenge its purpose, place, sequence and method of performance.
Evaluate different alternatives to develop a new improved method comparing the cost-effectiveness of the selected new method with the current method performance.
Define a new method, as a result in a clear manner, and present it to those concerned, i.e. management, supervisors and workers.
The Examine stage merges into the Develop stage of the investigation as more thorough analysis leads automatically to identify areas of change. The aim here is to identify possible actions for improvement and to subject these to evaluation in order to develop a preferred solution.
Sometimes it is necessary to identify short-term and long-term solutions so that improvements can be made (relatively) immediately, while longer-term changes are implemented and come to fruition.
The success of any method study project is realised when actual change is made ‘on the ground’ – change that meets the originally specified terms of reference for the project. Thus, the Install phase is very important. Making theoretical change is easy; making real change demands careful planning – and handling of the people involved in the situation under review. They may need reassuring, retraining and supporting through the acquisition of new skills. Install, in some cases, will require a parallel running of old and new systems, in others; it may need the build-up of buffer stocks, and other planning to manage the change. What matters is that the introduction of new working methods is