Discuss the features of communalism in India.
ভাৰতত সাম্প্রদায়িকতাবাদৰ বৈশিষ্টসমূহ আলােচনা কৰক।
(i) Communal Nationalism:
The notion that since a group or a section of people belong to a particular religious community.Their secular interests are the same, i.e., even those matters which have got nothing to do with religion affect all of them equally.
(ii) Liberal Communalism:
The notion that since two religious communities have different religious interests, they have different interests in the secular sphere also (i.e., in economic, political and cultural spheres).
iii) Extreme Communalism:The notion that not only different religious communities have different interests, but these interests are also incompatible i.e., two communities cannot co-exist because the interests of one community come into conflict with those of the other.
There is nothing unique about Indian communalism. It was the result of the conditions which have, in other societies, produced similar phenomena and ideologies such as Fascism, anti-Semitism, racism, the Catholic-Protestant conflict in Northern Ireland and the Christian- Muslim conflict in Lebanon.
Bypassing basic economic interests, the communalists claim to protect interests which do not exist.
Communalism is a modern phenomenon—rooted in modern social, economic and political colonial structure—that emerged out of modern politics based on mass mobilisation and popular participation.