discuss the imagery of Asleep in the valley?
The imagery forms a chief attraction of the poem. We have a series of lovely memorable images of Nature, such as the flowing stream which leaves long strands of silver on the bright grass; the sunrays, falling from the mountain top, filling the hollow full of light; the pale soldier resting in his warm, green, sun-soaked bed of bushes, with his feet among the flowers.
The image of the imaginary smile of the young soldier while alive, like an infant's gentle smile without guile, is intended to create the sense of loss that has resulted from the war.
The peaceful image of the soldier sleeping in sunlight with one hand on his breast is in contrast to the final image of two red holes in his side, which is so painful to see.
near the there are many wonderful creature of the nature fish and the full moon open sky shining stars and the full of tree and water around of all