Discuss the major challenges to higher education.

Enrolment: The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of India in higher education is only 15% which is quite
low as compared to the developed as well as, other developing countries. With the increase of
enrolments at school level, the supply of higher education institutes is insufficient to meet the growing
demand in the country.
Equity: There is no equity in GER among different sects of the society. According to previous studies
the GER in higher education in India among male and female varies to a greater extent. There are
regional variations too some states have high GER while as some is quite behind the national GER
which reflect a significant imbalances within the higher education system.
Quality: Quality in higher education is a multi-dimensional, multilevel, and a dynamic concept.
Ensuring quality in higher education is amongst the foremost challenges being faced in India today.
However, Government is continuously focusing on the quality education. Still Large number of colleges
and universities in India are unable to meet the minimum requirements laid down by the UGC and our
universities are not in a position to mark its place among the top universities of the world.
Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure is another challenge to the higher education system of India