History, asked by kritanjaliyadav8a, 9 months ago

Discuss the relevance of inclusiveness in Nepal along with the constitutional provisions.


Answered by aryananda3333

part Sunday in the General Debate on "Redressing Inequalities: Delivering on Dignity and Well-Being for All" under the 136th Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly being held in Dhaka, Bangladesh since April 1, the Speaker said, "The Constitution of Nepal has adopted various inclusive provisions of social justice, particularly for women, indigenous nationalities, marginalized communities or disadvantaged segments of the society as well as for those living backward in order to mainstream them into the various State affairs."

The topic of this general debate, "Redressing inequalities: delivering on dignity and well-being for all" has a very wide scope of action as this issue is deeply associated with the Sustainable Development Goals- the SDG 10, that calls "Reduce inequalities within and among Countries, she added.

The Speaker informed the Assembly that country Nepal was working on harmonizing policies and programs to incorporate the SDGs into national development plans focusing on the objective of addressing poverty, reducing inequalities, and creating opportunities for all, adding that Nepal was very much aware that inequalities may cause conflicts and Nepali citizens have also observed that inequalities in social and economic sectors could lead to political unrest in a nation.

Other SDGs, in particular the SDG 1: "End poverty in all its forms everywhere", the SDG 5 "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls", and the SDG16 "Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels", are close inter-linked with the topic of this Assembly.

The main essence of these SDGs is to include all the segments of the society in order to redress inequalities. Any kind of unequal behavior and activities within the society, the country, and among the countries in the world remains the greatest threats not only to sustainable development but also for the global peace and harmony, the Speaker asserted.

In many developing countries, large segments of our population are still far behind with regards to the generation of minimum income for their daily livelihood. The level of economic, social, and political participation of deprived population of the society is quite far behind in comparison to the people having multiple opportunities. Therefore, inequality among human beings is an alarming issue at the national level as well at the global level debates, according to the Speaker.

Stating that we may all share the similar thoughts that ensuring of equal opportunities especially in the economic, social, and political sectors of society would definitely assist to reduce the multiple inequalities that continue to prevail in our societies, the Speaker said it was therefore vital that respective parliaments, as the representative body of their people address these inequalities through the making of necessary laws, budgetary sanctions and oversight to the policies and programs of the governments.

The Speaker went to say that another important measure to redress inequalities is to ensure social justice, dignity and protection to those in need which contributes to nurturing human dignity and well-being for all in the society. To this end, the benefits and bonus of development and growth must be shared justifiably and not be concentrated within a select few in the society and nation.

Answered by manasvish2007
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