Discuss two consequences of the social problem on the individual
The unemployment rate, for example, has a great influence on such issues as domestic violence, substance abuse, depression, or physical illness. Economic inequality affects people's stress levels, exposure to violence and toxins, educational prospects, access to services, high-risk behavior, and mortality rates.
Social problems refers to those problems in the society, which are man made and basically judges an individual's gender, wealth, cast, status etc.
Casteism, even today is a big problem where people of lower castes are seen as untouchables, no matter how much educated, literate and well behaved they are. These kind of discriminations affects a person's healthy state of mind.
Another social problem by which people gets judged are his/her monetary possession. Those who are poor, are neglected, unheard in the society.
This leads to depression and ultimately that person might opt for suicide, getting tired of being judged.
Anything that judges and shames people should not be done no matter how bad that person is. This impacts negatively on the younger generation also, as they too will grow up to judge people based on their wealth, caste, status etc.