The culture the couple lives in will have expectations upon how the couple should act and think towards each other.
Some cultures expect women to wear covering and not drive. In this example you would see a man who consciously or subconsciously considers himself superior, if nothing else, regarding the things that he is able to do and that she is not.
In western cultures the laws are leveraged to favor to the woman in regard to relationships.
This is shown affecting (in some way great or small) the society in statistics as you see a dramatic decrease in marriage.
Some postulate that the dramatic drop in marriage rates (in Western cultures) is because marriage (contract) offers no benefit to the man and is a major contributor to the drops that are being seen.
in Japan you see (driven by what are known as Herbivores) 60% (or more, as this study was done in 2016) of men between 20–30 not choosing to be married (or be in relationships whatsoever) it's becoming an epidemic such that they are considering passing laws to deal with this.
The drastic birth rate decline in Japan has heavily impacted the country's economy such that it is becoming a critical issue.
An American version of this is called: MGTOW, which stands for Men Going Their Own Way is in the rise.
The MGTOW movement has no “structure” or group that can be attacked, as they do not propose to make any changes to society, but instead choose not to participate in marriage.