English, asked by ghoshrupa5345, 1 year ago

Discuss weather wars are good way to end conflicts between contribute


Answered by dhoni003


War is a mere continuation of Geopolitics just by other means. Every conflict whether it maybe political or physical, it should be solved using diplomacy and negotiations. War has long lasting effects like Starvation, arms reduction, population dip and also complete disruption of reputation of one country while complete uni-polarization of another. One war provokes another and the chain is never-ending. Usage of Chemical, Biological, Radio logical and most importantly Nuclear weapons not only finishes a race, it also hinders the growth and creates deformities in the upcoming generations.

For example : The world war 1 ended with the Treaty of Versailles which was insulting for Germany, and harmful for the German economy and the self-respect of people. Then rose a leader who people in Germany looked upon as their liberator, the Fuehrer - Adolf Hitler. What further complicated matters was his wish to win every inch of land in Europe and show to the people that even Germany, is among the superiors. What happened next is History.

In essence, war for war is stupidity, if the war was avoided in the first place then mankind would avoid such a catastrophe. Hence war is not at all a good way to solve conflicts between the countries.

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