English, asked by Ongeziwe, 1 year ago

Discusss If You think implementation of ethical Principles can help bring change in this country to Individuals and society,with specific reference to SA's most "ugly" issues including violence against women,Right of foreign nationals,service delivery,protests and corruption?


Answered by XxkrishnadeewanixX


do it yourself OK if you don't do it get best answer on Google

Answered by Rameshjangid


Individual respect, justice, and benevolence (maximising benefits while minimising damage).


Step 1: A global initiative to stop violence against women and girls has been spearheaded by the UN Secretary-General and UN Women since 2008. Increased activism, discourse opportunities, and understanding of the issues are encouraged by the campaign. This year's campaign is called UNITE!

Step 2: One in three women worldwide experience physical or sexual abuse at the hands of intimate relationships. In addition to being a violation of their human rights, violence against women and girls can have fatal immediate and long-term bodily, sexual, and mental effects, including death.

Step 3: The four fundamental principles of ethics—beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and fairness—are discussed. Autonomy is the foundation for confidentiality, honesty, and informed consent. When ethical principles diverge, a paradigm for fixing the issue is put out.

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