Distinction between dispensaries and mobile dispensaries
1.A dispensary is an office in a school, hospital, industrial plant, or other organisation that dispenses medications, medical supplies, and in some cases even medical and dental treatment. In a traditional dispensary set-up, a pharmacist dispenses medication as per prescription or order form.
2.Public Health being a State subject, the primary responsibility of providing health care to its citizens including Tea Garden areas is that of the State Governments. However, Under National Health Mission (NHM), financial and technical support is provided to the State Governments/UTs to strengthen their health care system including for mobile dispensaries, based on the Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) received from the States/UTs. In 2016-17, 80 new Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) for Tea Garden Areas have been approved under NHM. Besides, all the benefits of important programmes like Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) etc. are being provided in the tea garden hospitals as well. As per information from the State Government, 50 Mobile Medical Units are currently available in Assam. 80 new MMUs approved for Tea Garden Areas in Assam in current financial year. An amount of Rs. 24.84 Cr. have been approved for 130 (50 pre-existing + 80 new) MMUs.