Economy, asked by singhaneesh7494, 1 year ago

Distinguish between accounting costs and Economics costs. Explain giving suitable examples.


Answered by Abhishekabhi

Economic cost includes opportunity costs. Accounting costs do not.

For example. Suppose you can manufacture product A or product B. A costs $50 and can be sold for $100. B can be made for $75 and sold for $100.

Accounting cost the opportunity cost is represented by the foregone accounting profit that could be earned by the project not taken.
Example: The accounting cost of A is $50 and the accounting cost of B is $75. The economic cost of A is 50+(100-75)=75 and the economic cost of B is 75+(100-50)=125.
Answered by donayrejoan02


Economic cost includes opportunity costs. Accounting costs do not.

For example. Suppose you can manufacture product A or product B. A costs $50 and can be sold for $100. B can be made for $75 and sold for $100.

Accounting cost the opportunity cost is represented by the foregone accounting profit that could be earned by the project not taken.

Example: The accounting cost of A is $50 and the accounting cost of B is $75. The economic cost of A is 50+(100-75)=75 and the economic cost of B is 75+(100-50)=125.


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