Distinguish between bacteria & cyanobacteria?
CLASS - XI BIOLOGY (Biological Classification)
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Bacteria: 1. They are comparatively smaller in size
2. They may bear flagella
3. They may be autotrophic or heterotrophic
4. Photosynthetic pigments are Bacteriochlorophyll
5. They reserve food in the form of glycogen
Cynobacteria: 1.They are comparatively larger
2. Flagella is always absent
3. They are usually autotrophic
4. Photosynthetic pigment is Chlorophyll a
5. They reserve food in the form of Cyanophycean starch
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In Bacteria during photosynthesis the hydrogen donor is not water as a result oxygen is not evolved where as opposite occurs in Cyanobacteria.
Spore formation is endogenous in Bacteria whereas in Cyanobacteria is not endogenous.
Spore formation is endogenous in Bacteria whereas in Cyanobacteria is not endogenous.
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