Distinguish between Flora and Fauna
Basis for Comparison
Definition Flora is defined as all the naturally occurring native plants of a particular region. Fauna is all the animal life present in a particular place or at a particular time period.
Classification Flora is classified into native flora, agricultural and horticultural flora, and weed flora. Fauna is classifies into cryofauna, cryptofauna, infauna, epifauna, macrofauna, megafauna, meiofauna and microfauna.
Includes Flora includes all plants. Fauna includes all animals.
Study The study is flora is termed ‘Botany’. The study of fauna is termed ‘Zoology’.
Nutrition Flora is autotrophs, capable of producing their own food and energy. Fauna is heterotrophs, dependent on plants for their food and energy.
Ecological role Plants are the producers in an ecosystem. Animals are the consumers of an ecosystem.
Locomotion Flora includes plants that are immovable. Fauna includes animals that are mobile.
Evolution The organisms in flora are considered to have arrived before fauna. Fauna developed later than flora according to the theories of evolution.
Cell wall The cell wall is present in the cells of the plants in flora. The cell wall is absent in the cells of the animals in fauna.
Chloroplasts Chloroplasts are present in flora, most of which are involved in food production or storage. Chloroplasts are not present in fauna. They store their energy in the mitochondria.
Climate Flora is affected by the climate of a region. Fauna affects the climate of a region.
Examples Flowering plants, grass, forest are some examples of flora. Reptiles, birds, insects, and fishes are some examples of fauna.
Flora is defined as all the naturally occurring native plants of a particular region.
Fauna is all the animal life present in a particular place or at a particular time period.