Distinguish between Primitive subsistence farming and Commercial farming by stating five points of distinction.
CBSE Class X Social Science LA (5 Marks)
Primitive subsistence farming
1. It is practiced on small patches of land.
2. This type of farming depend upon nature fertility and monsoons.
3. Primitive tools are used like hoe , dao , and digging sticks, family labour .
4. It is also known as slash and burn agriculture.
Commercial subsistence farming
1. It is practiced on large patches of land.
2. In this type of farming modern inputs are used like chemicals, fertiliser, and HYV seeds.
3. In this type of farming irrigation facilities and machines are used to plough land.
primitive subsistence farming
1.Primitive subsistence agriculture is practiced with small patches of land
2.with the help of primitive tools like hoe, Dao and digging sticks, and family/community labour
commercial farming
1.Commercial farming is done on large scale
2.with the use of huge doses of modern inputs