Distinguishing between classical theory and Keynesian theory.
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Keynesian theory recommendation of government’s intervention to stimulate growth got wide attention and was followed by major economies to bring them out of the great depression of 1930’s. They recommended that government intervention is required to stimulate growth in the economy and short-run survival/growth is must for performing in the long-run.
In present scenario the idea of “less government more governance” is to encourage private sector to lead the economic growth while government creates an environment to grow. This is similar to classical theory. At the same time creating fiscal deficit and managing (lower) interest rates to spur the economic growth is similar to Keynesian theory.
Classical economics places little emphasis on the use of fiscal policy to manage aggregate demand. Classical theory is the basis for Monetarism, which only concentrates on managing the money supply, through monetary policy. Classical emphasized on the use of fiscal policies to manage the aggregate demand because classical theory is the basis for monetarism which focused on managing money supply through monetary policy. Whereas,
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Differences between Classical and Keynes Theory
1. Assumption of Full Employment:
⇒ Classical theorists always assumed full employment of labour and other resources.
⇒ To them, full employment was a normal situation and unemployment was an abnormal situation.
⇒According to Classicals, even if there is less than full employment in the economy, there is always a tendency towards full employment.
⇒ By the term full employment of the available resources, the classical economists meant that ‘there is no involuntary unemployment’. If there is unemployment in the economy, classicists felt that it was due to the existence of monopoly in industry and governmental interference with the free play of the forces of competition in the market or it may be due to the imperfections of the market owing to immobility of the factors of production.
2. Emphasis on the Study of Allocation of Resources Only:
⇒ The existence of ‘full employment’ being a normal situation in the classical scheme, it followed that factors of production are always fully employed and there is no further scope for additional employment of resources in new industries. The choice, according to classsicals, was not between employment and unemployment but between employment here and employment there, i.e., increase in production in one direction could be achieved only at the cost of some decrease in another direction in the economy.
⇒In other words, classicals fell there could not be any significant misallocation of resources as the price mechanism, acting as an ‘invisible hand’ would achieve the best, the most efficient allocation of resources. Since the optimum allocation of a given quantity of resources was the main subject-matter of classical economics, it was but natural that they did not discuss the problem of national output, income or employment.
⇒As such, they remained concerned with the special case of full employment and not with the general factors that determine employment at any time. In brief, the well-known theory of value, distribution and production formed the ‘core’ of classical economics. That unemployment of resources could also persist to pose a problem did not occur to them at all.
3. Policy of ‘Laissez Faire’:
⇒ Classicals had great faith in the philosophy of laisez-faire capitalism, which meant ‘leave alone’ or ‘let alone’ in business matters. Laissez-faire capitalism would not tolerate any kind of intervention by the Government in business matters; they rather considered it a positive hindrance in the free working of the market economy.
⇒ Classicals believed in Laissez-faire capitalism as it was the traditional model of study from the very’ beginning. Classicals had great faith in price mechanism, profit-motive, free and perfect competition and the self-adjusting nature of the system. They felt that if the system is allowed to work freely without any encroachments on the part of the state, it has potentialities to overcome the maladjustments in the economic system, if there are any.
4. Wage-Cut Policy as a Cure for Unemployed Resources:
⇒Classicals further believed that involuntary unemployment could be easily cured by cutting wages down through office and perfect competition which always exists in the labour market. They argued that so long as labour does not demand more than what it is ‘worth’ or more than its marginal productivity, there in no possibility of persistent unemployment in the economy.
⇒ Classicals believed that employment is determined by the wage bargains between the workers and employers, therefore, wage-cuts will reduce unemployment; such a policy if pursued vigorously can restore full employment as well. Basing their reasoning on the existence of free and perfect competition in the product and labour markets, classicals argued that the unemployed workers will cut down wages leading to a fall in prices, which, in turn, will encourage demand giving a fillip to sales.
5. Assumption of Neutral Money:
⇒ Classicals did not give much importance to money treating it only as a medium of exchange its role as a store of value was not considered. To them, money facilitated the transactions of goods but had no effect on income, output and employment. They considered it as a ‘veil’ which hides real things goods and services. In other words, they assumed that people have one motive for holding money, i.e. the transaction motive.
⇒ Classicals completely ignored the precautionary and speculative motives for holding money. In short, they never recognised that money could also influence the level of income, output and employment. In contrast to this view, Keynes considered money on as on active force that in influences total output.
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