Distinguishing features of Lyginopteris oldhamia
Features of Lyginopteris:
Morphological Features: The stem Lyginopteris was slender and covered with large scaly leaves. Near the base of the plant adventitious roots developed. ...
Anatomical Features: The Primary structure was an ectophloic siphonostele with large pith round a number of primary mesarch bundles.
Features of Lyginopteris:
1. Morphological Features:
The stem Lyginopteris was slender and covered with large scaly leaves
. Anatomical Features:
The Primary structure was an ectophloic siphonostele with large pith round a number of primary mesarch bundles. Older plants showed normal secondary growth. In some specimens, however, the xylem portion of primary vascular bundles was in a continuous ring. In some there was an abnormal type of secondary growth.
Reproductive Structure of Lyginopteris:
Some of these Palaeozoic leaves bore microsporangia on them. The fertile pinnules were more or less peltate in form and on their underside they bore usually six sporangia. These sporangia are usually bilocular. Such a type has been described as Crossotheca type.
Lyginopteris oldhamia. T.S. of the stem showing well-developed secondary wood and leaf traces
Lyginopteris oldhamia
The microspores seem to have formed a male prothallus. The sperms seem to have been of like those of present-day cycads.
Seed of Lyginopteris:
The best known seed has been described under the name Lagenostoma. These seeds were small in size, only about 1/4 but they were highly organized. It was barrel shaped and whole seed enclosed in cupule. This cupule opened out when seed was mature.
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