(I) Climate and Weather
(II) Absolute and Relative humidity
weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area.
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Weather is day-to-day information of the changes in the atmospheric condition in any area.Weather forecasting is observed by the Meteorological Department of any particular place, and the study is known as Meteorology.The changes in the weather condition can be observed very frequently.
Climate is statistical weather information that provides information about the average weather condition of a particular place over a long period.The Climate Prediction Centre predicts climate and its study is known as Climatology.The changes in climate take a longer time to change.
Absolute humidity is the measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature. It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air (g/m3)
Relative humidity also measures water vapor but RELATIVE to the temperature of the air. It is expressed as the amount of water vapor in the air as a percentage of the total amount that could be held at its current temperature.