Divide 371 654 by 968
Do step by step don't only answer
Do the division and also write the answer
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When we are given a long division to do it will not always work out to a whole number.
Sometimes there are numbers left over. These are called remainders.
Taking an example similar to that on the Long Division page it becomes more clear:

(If you feel happy with the process on the Long Division page you can skip the first bit.)
4 ÷ 25 = 0 remainder 4The first number of the dividend is divided by the divisor. The whole number result is placed at the top. Any remainders are ignored at this point.25 × 0 = 0The answer from the first operation is multiplied by the divisor. The result is placed under the number divided into.4 − 0 = 4Now we take away the bottom number from the top number. Bring down the next number of the dividend.43 ÷ 25 = 1 remainder 18Divide this number by the divisor. The whole number result is placed at the top. Any remainders are ignored at this point.25 × 1 = 25The answer from the above operation is multiplied by the divisor. The result is placed under the last number divided into.43 − 25 = 18Now we take away the bottom number from the top number. Bring down the next number of the dividend.185 ÷ 25 = 7 remainder 10Divide this number by the divisor. The whole number result is placed at the top. Any remainders are ignored at this point.25 × 7 = 175The answer from the above operation is multiplied by the divisor. The result is placed under the number divided into.
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