English, asked by losser1, 1 year ago

Divide the following words into their

constituent morphemes :

(i) employment

(ii) disagreeable

(iii) passbooks

(iv) unconditionally

(v) unfriendly


Answered by alinakincsem
Thank you for asking this question from us. A morpheme is a smallest meaningful unit which consist of one word or a word element. It has different types, such as a free morpheme, a bound morpheme, inflectional morpheme and derivational morpheme, and constituent morpheme. The morphemes of the Employment will be, Employ-ment, Disagreeable = Dis-agree-able, Passbook = Pass-book, Unconditionally = Un-condition-all-y, Unfriendly = Un-friend-ly. I hope this answer will be helpful for you.
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