English, asked by 467Bhavna111111, 1 year ago

Do anyone here know about the poetic devices. Then explain squirrel's game having which poetic device?


Answered by Monster786
Literary Devices Used

While comparing two things if words such as 'like' or 'as' is used then it is called simile.


like rootless weeds
This expression is used to describe the health of children, how much malnutrition affected them

like bottle bits on stones
This describes the type of sunglasses children of slum wear.

Another interpretation could be that since children of slum sit on the heap of garbage they look like pieces of glass shattered against a stone

Like catacombs
since these children live in type of houses where only darkness is there, same are the catacombs where dead bodies are buried. Their life is also in darkness, their aim, their ambition all are in darkness.

slums as big as doom
living in slum is like living in hell

In a metaphor words such as 'like' and 'as' are not used and the literal meaning of a word is used in another context and in this comparison is not done


rats eyes
boys anxiety and timidity is like that of a rat

father's gnarled disease
because of the father's disease the life of child is also spoiled since he is suffering from the same disease. He is a very slim and thin boy.

squirrels game
the boy wants to play like the squirrel but he is captured inside the dull and dreary classroom

tree room
this is the hiding place for squirrel, it is in contrast to the dark classroom

future's painted with a fog
just as fog limits our visibility during winters, the children future is always blocked by hopelessness

lead sky
this suggests dark and dull sky with no hope

spectacles of steel
this suggests that they are wearing spectacles made of steel, and this suggests that their future is full of darkness.

it could also suggest that children of slum look like wiry framework of steel just like pair of spectacles
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