Do not judge a book by its cover, Write an Essay of 250 word
If someone is looking for a book to buy and read, the first thing that will probably grab their attention is the cover of the book. Based solely on the cover, a person may decide whether a book is or is not for them. As a result, they may overlook a book simply because the cover appears plain or uninteresting to them. However, if the person would have opened the book up and look at what’s inside instead of overlooking it, they may have found it to be pretty interesting after all.
This expression is also applied to people. How so? Well, people are often judged based only upon their outward appearance. However, if one were to get to know the person and see what’s on the inside, ‘opening’ the person up, so to speak, then that one may be pleasantly surprised to find that the person is very different to how they imagined. Hence, this expression is used either as advice or a warning that a person should not judge other people or things simply by what they see on the outside.
The phrase goes back to at least the mid-19th century, as it is seen in the newspaper Piqua Democrat, June 1867:
“Don’t judge a book by its cover, see a man by his cloth, as there is often a good deal of solid worth and superior skill underneath a [???] jacket and yaller pants.”
The print in the newspaper I was looking at was really small and hard to read, but even so, I tried quoting it as accurately as I could. Regardless, there was enough clarity to make out the phrase for sure.
hope this answer will help you out.....
What do you think of the proverb "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Is it right to judge a book only by its cover? No one is allowed to judge a person or a book whatever thing it maybe only by its outer cover or outer appearance.
But most of us would firstly judge a person by his/her external appearance instead of their internal one.. Let's take two books. First one is with an attractive cover (outer look) it's just awesome to see outside whereas when we turn to inner pages of the book or read them it is just boring, sleepy etc. But the second one is with an unattractive look (outer appearance) it's just look unattractive and seems to be boring but when we turn to inner pages and read them out it is really fabulous, adventuresome, interesting, suspenseful,extraordinary etc. So we buy a book only for its story content, not for it's external look.
Similarly, No one can judge a person by his or her beauty (means his outer look and outfit). We have to make a conversation with them and determine them whether they are good or bad. Without being close to them only by their appearance if we say them as they are good or bad, then it's rubbish.
Wealthiest who live in this world aren't prettiest. And the poorest who live in this world aren't worser. So a people or a thing anything it might be but their beauty can never determine their true value by physical appearance or status. Despite it is determined only by a close interaction with a person and observation his or her own character a long period of time. After all an ugly and unattractive cover cannot determine the characteristics of the book unless it is read by a reader and peruse the pages.
Hope my answer helps you :)
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