Do the test of business studies chapter 2,3,4and 5
1......function determine the future course of action
2.Planning is advance
3.Coordination is the .....of management
4.Scalar chain also known as......
5.Fayol classified all ......activities into six group
6.The main aim of Taylor was to improve....
7.F.W Taylor is known as father of .....
8.Feedric Winslow Taylor was born in1856 in....
9...... Environment is under the control of enterprise
10 Economic reform changed the selling concept to......concept
True /false chapter 2,3,4and5
1.Coordination is the essence of management
2.Planning is a basic managerial function
3.Fayol was in favour of high labour turnover
4.Divisiob of work promotes specialisation
5.Equity implies equal remuneration
6.Henry Fayol called father of scientific management
7.Liberalisation of economic policy started in 1971
8.Business environment is very dynamic
Answered by
(1) Planning Function determine the future course of action.
(2) planning is thinking in advance.
(3) Coordination is the essence of Management.
(4) Scalar chain also called as formal chain .
(5) Fayol classified all 14 activities into six group
(6) The main aim of Fw taylor is to improve efficiency .
(7) FW Taylor is also known as father of Scientific management.
(8) FW Taylor was born in 1856 in Germantown, Philadelphia,
(9) Internal environment is in control of Enterprise.
(1) True
(2) True
(3) True
(4) True
(5) True
(6) True
(7) False .
(8) True
Hope its helps you
thanks ❤️
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