English, asked by akanshagarwal2005, 9 months ago

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Answered by ambikasanjayd


our body is made of millions of cells and all organs also made of cells

Answered by Anonymous


C-49, Sant Vihar

Delhi -1

9 November 2014

The Editor,

The Hindu,

New Delhi


Subject: Participation of children in reality shows on TV is a form of exploitation.

This is to draw your attention to the increasing presence of young children on reality television shows which I believe are an insidious form of child exploitation that has to be questioned and debated in the society we live in.

In spite of being a part of an educated and urban society, we readily allow our children to participate in such shows and we are also the ones who consume them on a daily basis seated in our living rooms. These children are exploited on the basis of their talent, using them as tools to garner and manipulate audience attention, which makes them maybe just a cut above the tea vendor's child helper or the little girl who comes to wash our clothes with her maidservant mother.

Reality television producers make the children cry to get more TRPs or make them wear provocative costumes just to titillate the audience. Children are given an undue sense of their own importance, putting them under the spotlight for just fifteen minutes of fame and then relegating them to the dark recesses of the TV world once the show is over must have a deeply traumatizing psychological effect on their young brains.

It is my earnest request that an esteemed publication such as yours will delve deeper into the issue and draw further attention, in fact, much required attention, towards this subtle but equally harmful form of child exploitation.

Thanking You

Your sincerely


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