Do you believe in supernatural powers have you heard any such incident tell me about on brainly app on a story by isha 321
Here's a story narrated to me by my uncle.
Here my uncle is the narrator not me.
"Basically my sister and I had this same experience. We were staying in a little rental house while moving me into my apartment before the year of college and the two of us were sleeping in the same bed there.
One night we had literally just laid down to go to bed when we both started hearing heavy breathing. There was also a perceptible drop in temperature and just a strange feeling in the air, hard to describe. I looked over my shoulder since I was sleeping on my side and I saw a tall dark figure standing next to the bathroom door.
While all this was going on, we were both calling to my brother who was sleeping on the pull out couch in the living room, because we thought it was him messing with us. But he kept saying it wasn’t him and then the figure disappeared and the breathing stopped.
And then he came in the room so we KNEW it had been a ghost. It was really odd, especially since we were both totally awake and couldn’t have been dreaming."
#Capricorn Answers