do you know much about your culture
Ways to understand cultural differences
It can be very easy to stick with what you know, rather than trying to meet people who are different from you. However, actively trying to understand and embrace cultural differences can open you up to a whole world of exciting new possibilities and experiences. Here’s what you can do:
Become self-aware
Work out your own beliefs, values and personal biases. Yep, it can be confronting, but by doing this you’ll be able to think about how these traits might impact on your approach to and understanding of differences.
Do your own research
Learning about different cultures can be a great way of developing an understanding of cultural diversity. Do a spot of research online or through books, and study some of the history and traditions of other cultures.
Talk to someone from a different cultural background
Try and get to know them a bit better. You don’t necessarily have to ask them directly about their culture, but by getting to know them you’ll automatically find out more about their life and experiences.
One of the best ways to experience and understand other cultures is to actually live among them. It might take a while to save for, but planning a trip overseas to a country you’re interested in can be the best way of opening yourself up to new cultures.
Be more accepting
Sometimes it’s not all that easy to gain an understanding of cultural difference, for whatever reason. In these situations, the best approach is just to acknowledge that some people are different and to accept that that’s okay.
Culturally different, with diverse opinions
Even if you hear or read something about a certain culture, it’s important to realise that this doesn’t mean everyone from that particular background acts/thinks/believes the same thing. Just as not everyone you know has identical beliefs, people who come from different cultural backgrounds aren’t all a certain way, either.
Don’t stereotype
One of the biggest difficulties to overcome in understanding cultural differences is making judgements based on one opinion. Do your own research and make an effort to actually learn about people, instead of making broad-brush assessments.
Everyone is unique
The main thing to remember is that everyone, no matter what their cultural background, has different opinions, habits and ways of life. The sooner you accept that everyone is different, the easier it becomes to understand and embrace cultural differences.