English, asked by salman188147, 8 months ago

Do you like a Nakshi Kantha or an ordinary Kantha? Why ?

(It was a Question Solve It And also describe why you like ...)​


Answered by PADMINI

I like Nakshi Kantha because of the following reasons:

It is one of the oldest art forms.

It is easy to stitch.

We can embroidery on old clothes.

we can make different patterns and designs.

  • Nakshi Kanth is a type of traditional embroidery art form that is notable in Bangladesh and Eastern Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, etc.
  • The word 'Nakshi Kantha' is derived from the Bengali word "Naksha" which means artistic patterns.
  • It is one of the oldest Bengali traditional art forms. Thread and old cloth are basic materials that are used in this Nakshi Kanth.
  • This traditional art form is most famous in Jamalpur, Bogra, Faridpur, etc. In this art form, colorful designs and patterns are stitched by doing embroidery.
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