do you think cleanliness is important to prevent the spread of viral disease , If so why ?
What can I do to reduce the spread of "germs"?
The most important way to reduce the spread of infections is hand washing - always wash regularly with soap and water. Also important is to get a vaccine for those infections and viruses that have one, when available.
See the OSH Answers Hand Washing - Reducing the Risk of Common Infections for more details.
This OSH Answers document will discuss other methods beyond hand washing that can also help to slow or stop the spread of infections.
NOTE: During a situation where a virus is spreading in the community, information is likely to change rapidly. Please see OSH Answers on Pandemic Influenza or Coronavirus for a list of agencies that can help
What are good practices to slow the spread of infections?
Ways you can reduce or slow the spread of infections include:
Get the appropriate vaccine.
Wash your hands frequently.
Practice physical distancing (staying more than 2 metres (6 feet) apart).
Stay home if you are sick (so you do not spread the illness to other people).
Use a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your arm, not your hand. Turn away from other people.
Use single-use tissues. Dispose of the tissue immediately.
Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing or using tissues.
If working with children, have them play with hard surface toys that can be easily cleaned.
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth (viruses can transfer from your hands and into the body).
Do not share cups, glasses, dishes or cutlery.
Consider wearing a non-medical mask when in a public space.