Do you think elementary and high school students should be allowed to use cell phones at school?
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Cell phones are good I believe that cell phones SHOULD be allowed in public schools for many reasons. They are good for education, safety, and much more.
1. Cell phones are good for education. Cell Phones are good for education for many reasons. First you can use cell phones for research purposes. Although most schools have at least 1 computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isn’t enough. It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good option is to use cell phones for research instead. Next, I want to talk about why apps are good for education. Some people think that some apps are bad and kids will get distracted and use them in class. And the truth is that cell phones have many educational apps as well. Which do you think would be more fun and exciting for a student? Either studying with a boring book that is hard to understand, or playing an educational app that is still studying, but much more exciting. I would definitely choose the second choice. Here are some good features of phones that are good for school: 1.Calculator. It doesn’t matter if your phone is expensive or not, almost every single phone has a calculator. Lots of students are required to have a calculator as one of their school supplies, but if they have one on their phone, then they don’t have to get one. 2. Stop Watch. Lots of phones have a stopwatch, which can be used in science class. I know that when I was in public school we used stopwatches all the time for experiments, and the teacher only had 3 stopwatches so we had to take turns. 3. Dictionary. Cell phones can be used as a dictionary, which can be VERY useful in a classroom setting. You can always search on the Internet for the definition, or if you classroom or school doesn’t have wi fi, you can text to 466-456 the word you need defined and Google will text you back the definition of that term.
Cell phones keep you safe. Believe it or not, a cell phone could save your life. Here is an example: On April 20, 1999, 2 teenagers walked into Columbine High school carrying sub-machine guns and homemade bombs intending to do some major damage. 13 innocent students were murdered and many more would have been if it weren’t for some students and their cell phones. 1 student, hiding for his life, calls 911 and describes the location of the school, and what the murderers looked like. If it weren’t for him and his cell phone and many others, many other students would have died. There are many other true stories like this one where people’s lives were saved because of cell phones.
A phone can be used for educational purposes. Students should definitely be able to use their phones during class. A phone is a great device. It can used for many educational things like research, projects, calculators, and even putting in important dates when a homework assignment or a project is due. You can also use a phone to call or text your parents if maybe you forgot your lunch at home, need lunch money so you can eat at school, or to let them know that you have tutorials after school that day. There are many things that phones are useful for.
It'll help keep their social life active. If students have their cell phones at school they could continue talking to their friends, and, in an emergency, text or call their parents or the paramedics. Also they could research stuff if needed if all the computers are in use. They could also take notes easier on cell phones or iPods.
1. Cell phones are good for education. Cell Phones are good for education for many reasons. First you can use cell phones for research purposes. Although most schools have at least 1 computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isn’t enough. It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good option is to use cell phones for research instead. Next, I want to talk about why apps are good for education. Some people think that some apps are bad and kids will get distracted and use them in class. And the truth is that cell phones have many educational apps as well. Which do you think would be more fun and exciting for a student? Either studying with a boring book that is hard to understand, or playing an educational app that is still studying, but much more exciting. I would definitely choose the second choice. Here are some good features of phones that are good for school: 1.Calculator. It doesn’t matter if your phone is expensive or not, almost every single phone has a calculator. Lots of students are required to have a calculator as one of their school supplies, but if they have one on their phone, then they don’t have to get one. 2. Stop Watch. Lots of phones have a stopwatch, which can be used in science class. I know that when I was in public school we used stopwatches all the time for experiments, and the teacher only had 3 stopwatches so we had to take turns. 3. Dictionary. Cell phones can be used as a dictionary, which can be VERY useful in a classroom setting. You can always search on the Internet for the definition, or if you classroom or school doesn’t have wi fi, you can text to 466-456 the word you need defined and Google will text you back the definition of that term.
Cell phones keep you safe. Believe it or not, a cell phone could save your life. Here is an example: On April 20, 1999, 2 teenagers walked into Columbine High school carrying sub-machine guns and homemade bombs intending to do some major damage. 13 innocent students were murdered and many more would have been if it weren’t for some students and their cell phones. 1 student, hiding for his life, calls 911 and describes the location of the school, and what the murderers looked like. If it weren’t for him and his cell phone and many others, many other students would have died. There are many other true stories like this one where people’s lives were saved because of cell phones.
A phone can be used for educational purposes. Students should definitely be able to use their phones during class. A phone is a great device. It can used for many educational things like research, projects, calculators, and even putting in important dates when a homework assignment or a project is due. You can also use a phone to call or text your parents if maybe you forgot your lunch at home, need lunch money so you can eat at school, or to let them know that you have tutorials after school that day. There are many things that phones are useful for.
It'll help keep their social life active. If students have their cell phones at school they could continue talking to their friends, and, in an emergency, text or call their parents or the paramedics. Also they could research stuff if needed if all the computers are in use. They could also take notes easier on cell phones or iPods.
Answered by
heya !
here's your answer
it is becoming increasingly important and obselete for children to use mobilr. phone's not in the form of safety devices but plainly as institution of knowledge..
and the increasing use of insecure things going on around related to phones..
I don't think that cell phones should be introduced in schools. .
Many schools including parents wish to use phones to provide education with excellence and for security purposes in their schools... many parents want it to secure a their children in school.. in schools and help students learn from them. Others would have heard of phones but they probably would not have actually done themselves with them in reality. The aim of this unit is to help you make the maximum use of the technology available in your school, even if you do not have a computer.
The objective is that your teachers will be able to use technology that is available with inspiration and the right skills. As a school. student.., you do not have to become a technology expert (though you will benefit from developing basic skills).. and when the matter of security arises.. there are hundreds of supplements for it.. the biggest one being the concern of the school towards their children.
people say that this way of teaching with tabs and phones can boost students learning part..i.e. technology can help students learn and interpret their implications for teachers..
to a very staunt extent.. they may say that..
Educators need new academic skills to use
Provides broad access to many sources of Internet knowledge, thereby making basic changes in the relationship between teacher and student.
Technology has also been changing rapidly, and young and inexperienced teachers may have more skills than the teachers who have established, and they can be in a better position to move with the changes. Some of your old teachers may experience fear; It is up to you to encourage them and to create an environment in which teachers can learn from each other... speaking of the internet..even if the technology had advanced so rapidly.. it can never neglect the essence of teaching is the best still...
all of us are aware of the crimes, and the distractions associated with phones.. then how can we allow such things to happen in a place so pure as a school? on a larger basis.. ..when cases like contact to the larger world and other benefits of phones in schools are applied.. then I think that schools should have a seperate space for these facilities rather than allowing students with phones...
Note that the focus should not be is to lead the use of technology to help you learn in your school but with pure precautions is not about teaching technology as a subject. .
. the phone of today's space age is not meant to be taken to schools.. before today.. selfies are common and more important to students than their statistics..
here's your answer
it is becoming increasingly important and obselete for children to use mobilr. phone's not in the form of safety devices but plainly as institution of knowledge..
and the increasing use of insecure things going on around related to phones..
I don't think that cell phones should be introduced in schools. .
Many schools including parents wish to use phones to provide education with excellence and for security purposes in their schools... many parents want it to secure a their children in school.. in schools and help students learn from them. Others would have heard of phones but they probably would not have actually done themselves with them in reality. The aim of this unit is to help you make the maximum use of the technology available in your school, even if you do not have a computer.
The objective is that your teachers will be able to use technology that is available with inspiration and the right skills. As a school. student.., you do not have to become a technology expert (though you will benefit from developing basic skills).. and when the matter of security arises.. there are hundreds of supplements for it.. the biggest one being the concern of the school towards their children.
people say that this way of teaching with tabs and phones can boost students learning part..i.e. technology can help students learn and interpret their implications for teachers..
to a very staunt extent.. they may say that..
Educators need new academic skills to use
Provides broad access to many sources of Internet knowledge, thereby making basic changes in the relationship between teacher and student.
Technology has also been changing rapidly, and young and inexperienced teachers may have more skills than the teachers who have established, and they can be in a better position to move with the changes. Some of your old teachers may experience fear; It is up to you to encourage them and to create an environment in which teachers can learn from each other... speaking of the internet..even if the technology had advanced so rapidly.. it can never neglect the essence of teaching is the best still...
all of us are aware of the crimes, and the distractions associated with phones.. then how can we allow such things to happen in a place so pure as a school? on a larger basis.. ..when cases like contact to the larger world and other benefits of phones in schools are applied.. then I think that schools should have a seperate space for these facilities rather than allowing students with phones...
Note that the focus should not be is to lead the use of technology to help you learn in your school but with pure precautions is not about teaching technology as a subject. .
. the phone of today's space age is not meant to be taken to schools.. before today.. selfies are common and more important to students than their statistics..
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