Do you think the magistrate sentence was too harsh or did Denis grigoryev deserve it? Answer with reasons.
The judge questions Denis Grigoryev, on the grounds that he was accounted for to have unscrewed a nut on a railroad and in this manner imperiled the rail line transport. The judge feels disappointed with Denis' answers, since he has the impression Denis is lying and ridiculing him.
There is no doubt that there is a relationship between poverty and health. The impact of this relationship is particularly apparent in South Africa, as compared to other developing countries, because so many of the lives of its citizens were affected by the inequality of the apartheid system. This system created a sense of inadequacy and inferiority among black people whilst cultivating a high sense of achievement and superiority in white people. Black people were to be, according to the founder of the policy, HF Verwoerd, nothing more than drawers of water and hewers of wood