do you think the prophecies of the witches will play a crucial role later in the play give reason for your answer
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yes i think its fear for him.
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In my opinion the prophecies of the witches play a crucial role later in the play. They lead to the fall of Macbeth and result in his ultimate death.
- In Shakespeare's popular tragedy 'Macbeth' the witches play a very important role.
- They not only act as the 'Chorus' of the play but also foreshadows the denouement of the play through the prophecies.
- The three prophecies made by them in the first Scene of the first Act sets the action of the play.
- The seed of ambition is sown in Macbeth's mind due to the prophecies made to him. This leads to the chain of murders committed by him later in the play.
- The regicide of King Duncan is the direct consequence of the third prophecy of the witches.
- The murder of Banquo and the attempted murder on his son Fleance is because of the prophecy made by the witches to Banquo that he will never be King but shall beget kings thereafter.
- Thus the prophecies of the witches l play a crucial role later in the play and control its course of action.
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