English, asked by dollyyadav, 1 year ago

does asteroids pose threat only to the earth or others planet also


Answered by saitejassb
Asteroids can strike anywhere, and by anywhere I mean not just Earth but any other planet and it's moons.

I don't see how much of a threat they could pose to other planets where there's no life.

So, ours is not the only planet which is at risk of being struck by an asteroid.

This fact constantly changes due to the range in the orbits of the planets located in our solar system. This depends on the day, month, and even year, which determines the position in orbit the planets are in. This can alternate between three different planets: Mars, Venus, or Mercury. Mercury is rarely the closest planet to Earth, and this phenomenon occurs every thousands of years. These changes can occur from hundreds of years to millions of years apart, as it relies on the planet’s position in orbit.

However, Venus seems to reign as the closest planet to the Earth for the most amount of time. Venus, which is the 2nd planet in our solar system, lies 162 million miles from the Earth at its farthest point in orbit.

riiu235: tqq
Answered by riiu235
Asteroids can strike anywhere, and by anywhere I mean not just Earth but any other planet and it's moons.

I don't see how much of a threat they could pose to other planets where there's no life.

So, ours is not the only planet which is at risk of being struck by an asteroid.

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