CBSE BOARD X, asked by khushpreet1595, 8 months ago

Does maths ncert+maths exemplar+Oswal maths standard questions bank is enough for preparing class10 board exam???


Answered by mishrasweta1947


yes ofcourse ,but RD Sharma is also important ...


please follow me!!

Answered by agarwalriyawork

All the books are that you mentioned are correct except Oswaal question bank. I was not satisfied with the quality of questions and solutions in Oswaal question bank and sample papers. I noticed few shortcomings-

  • It provides repeated questions in every chapter.
  • The level of the questions in Oswaal question bank is not similar to the questions in the CBSE board paper.

The best question bank is the Educart question bank because-

  • It is strictly based on CBSE guidelines and reduced syllabus.
  • It provides a wide range of in-depth and new types of questions like case and assertion-based that are of the same difficulty level as that of the board exams.
  • It also provides important NCERT questions+ previous year questions
  • The solutions given with every question comes with a detailed explanation.

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