English, asked by boomi78ibr, 14 days ago

Don Bosco School of
Excellence , Sayalgudi .

Summative Assessment -- II
Grade - VI

Subject - Social Science

I. Answer the following questions . 10 × 2 = 20

1.How does a planet differ from a star ?

2. Name all the planets according to their distance from the sun.

3. Why the Earth is called " Blue Planet " ?.

4. Name any two animals which the people of the sulaiman and kirthar hills reared.

5. What was the job of religious teachers?

6. From where does the word India come ?

7. Name the four vedas.

8. Who were the ' Aryas ' and the 'Dasas ' ?.

9. Write a short note on megaliths.

10. Mention the two purpose grains had to be stored.

II. Answer the following questions in detail.
3 × 5 = 15
1. Write short notes on the following.

A. The sun.

B. The moon.

C. Galaxy.

2. Explain -- Rigveda.

3. Describe the people of Harappan cities.​


Answered by vimalparamasivan22


planet acts as a point,thus nullifying twinkling effect

whereas stars have twinkling effect

rig your sama atharva veda

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