English, asked by bitina, 1 year ago

dramatized script for the chapter the great stone face 1 and 2


Answered by rachitsainionline

1. BY ; Nathaniel Hawthorne

2. • Ernest: He is upright, hard-working, and a benevolent presence to his neighbors. He spends his leisure hours gazing at a mountain rock formation called the Great Stone Face. • Ernest'sMother: Loving woman who tells her son about an old story predicting that a child born in the valley below the Great Stone Face will become the greatest person of his time. The story says his face will resemble the one on the mountain. • Mr. Gathergold: A wealthy merchant who is a native of the valley. He arrives in the valley during his end days.

3. • Old BloodandThunder: Great general who is a native of the valley returnedin valley after becoming old and tired. • Statesman: Great orator who is a native of the valley. • Poet: Great writer who is a native of the valley who declaredthat ernest resembles as Great Stone Face.

4. TermsandMeaningsfromtheChapter • Immense– Huge • Enormous– verybig • Resembled– similarappearance • Benign– kind • Prophecy– statementthattellswhatwillhappenin thefuture. • Pensive– thoughtful • Gaze– stare • Stirred– moved • Labour- work • Folly– foolishness • Sympathises– feelingof sorrow,approvalandunderstanding. • Beheld– saw • Renowned– famous • Banquet– feast • Proclaimed– announced

5. Summaryof Chapter One afternoon, a mother withher son, Ernest , was at the door of their cottage. Theywere talking about the great stone face. It wasclearlyvisiblein the bright sunshine.Thousandsof peoplelived there. Everybodythere,was familiarwiththe great stone face. It wasthe work of the nature.One day the great stone face smiledon Ernest and looked kindly. He wishedto hear its pleasant voice. He longed to see a man withsucha face in orderto love himdearly. There was a man calledgathergoldhe had left his native manyyearsago he had becamequiterich man there.He decidedto return to hisnative valley. There wasa rumour that gathergold looked like the great stoneface. Gathergoldhad the face of an old man withyellowskin. The peopleconsidered himthe image of the great stone face Ernest gazedup the valley. The great stoneface seemedto reject gathergold as its likeness.

6. Ernest had grown up to be a young man. Everyday, he would go off by himself and gaze upon the great stone face. He wondered why its likeness was delaying its appearance. By his time gathergold had become poor and died without establishing his likeness withthe stone face. After son of the valleyhad joined the armyas a soldier many years before. He had be come a general by then and came to be knownas blood and thunder on thebattled. In his old age, he desired to return to his valley. The people consideredhimas the likeness of the great stone face. On his return, he was welcomed warmly. The gathering mistookhimas the greatest man of all time. Ernest failed to recognise any likenessbetween Bloodand thunder and the great stone face. His heart assured himthat the real face had still to come.


8. Summary of the Chapter Erneststilllivedinhisnativevalley. Hewassimpleheartedman.He alwaysworkedforthe bettermentof the world.Thoughhewasconsideredto be anordinarymanyethewashumbleand richinthoughts.Withthepassageof time,Ernestbecameold. Hehadwisethoughtsinhismind.He hadbecomefamousallovertheworld. Mencamefromdistantplacesto seeandspeakto him. A new poethadappearedonearthwhileErnesthadbeengrowingold. Thepoetwasa nativeof Ernest's valleybuthadstayedindistantcitiesfora longperiod.The poethadheardof Ernest'scharacter.One day,hecameto hisdoor.Ernestwasreadinga bookandglancinglovinglyat themountainfrom timeto time.Ernestgavehimshelterforthenight.The greatstonefacelookedkindlyat thepoet.The poetfoundErnest,wise,gentleandkind. Ernestusedto speakto hisneighbourseveryevening.Thepoetalsoaccompaniedhimthepoet listenedto histalk. HefeltthatErnest'slifeandcharacterwerea farnoblerkindof poetrythanhis ownpoemsjustthen,thepoetsawthegreatstoneface. HedeclaredErnestasthelikenessof the greatstonefaceeverybodyagreedwithhim.Erneststillhopedthatsomeonewiserandbetterthan himselfwouldappearsometime, bearinga likenessto thegreatstoneface.

bitina: not the summary
Answered by monishchandravamsi


Ernest still lived in his native valley. He was simple hearted man. He always worked for the betterment of the world. Though he was considered to be an ordinary man yet he was humble and rich in thoughts. With the passage of time ,Ernest became old. He had wise thoughts in his mind. He had become famous all over the world. Men came from distant places to see and speak to him. A new poet had appeared on earth while Ernest had been growing old. The poet was a native of Ernest's valley but had stayed in distant cities for a long period. The poet had heard of Ernest's character. One day, he came to his door. Ernest was reading a book and glancing lovingly at the mountain from time to time. Ernest gave him shelter for the night. The great stone face looked kindly at the poet. The poet found Ernest ,wise ,gentle and kind.

Ernest used to speak to his neighbours every evening. The poet also accompanied him the poet listened to his talk. He felt that Ernest's life and character were a far nobler kind of poetry than his own poems just then ,the poet saw the great stone face . He declared Ernest as the likeness of the great stone face every body agreed with him. Ernest still hoped that someone wiser and better than himself would appear sometime, bearing a likeness to the great stone face.

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