draw a diagram which shows the formation of Nitrogen molecule by valence bond theory

Valence bonding in nitrogen molecule
Molecule: when atoms existing together as one species is called molecule
Chemical bond : the force which holds the atoms together within amolecule is called chemical bond
These molecule posses definite shape . to explain the shape of molecules various theories have been put forward like
1 .Kossel lewis approach
2. Valance bond theory
3. Molecular orbital theory
Let's see the formation of Nitrogen molecule by valance bond theory
Valance bond theory:
It is defined as the number of bond formed by and atom is equal to the number of unpaired electron present in it
Those two atoms make bond which have a unpaired electron with opposite spin.
Example: formation of Nitrogen molecule
Nitrogen atomic number- 7
Electronic configuration of ‘N’ atom - 2, 5
To have Octet in the valence shell it requires three more electrons
In N₂, both the nitrogen atom have 3 unpaired electron, thus they form (N≡N )triple bond in this molecule
When two nitrogen atoms come closer to each other for this each atom contributes 3 electrons for bonding.
Now are six electrons shared between two nitrogen atoms in the form of three pairs causes formation of triple bond between two nitrogen atoms in N₂ molecules.