Draw a labelled diagram of the L.S. of anatropous ovule and list the components of embryo sac and mention their fate after fertilization
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Asked on December 27, 2019 by
Parneet Hans
Draw a labeled diagram of an anatropous ovule and label six parts other than the gametophyte.
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The primary parts of anatropous (ovule) are:
(I) The hilum is an intersection among ovule and funicle.
(ii) Each ovule has a couple of defensive envelopes called integuments.
(iii)Micropyle is an opening presentation at the tip where integument is missing.
(iv) Chalaza is inverse to the micropylar end speaking to the basal piece of the ovule.
(v) The integuments encase a mass of cells called the nucellus which have sustenance holds.
(vi) Embryo sac or female gametophyte is situated in the nucellus (by and large one framed from a megaspore through reductional).