Draw a Social Advertisement based on the promoti
warm and Cold Ocean Currents each.
Prepare a case study on
me promotion of any important social issue.
》》》》The continuous flow of ocean currents is a natural effort to bring a horizontal heat balance. When the ocean currents flow along the coasts modify the local weather conditions. Warm current raise the temperature of the coastal areas, whereas cold currents lower it.
2. Warm currents bring rain to the coastal areas because they supply moisture to the winds. North Atlantic Drift brings rainfall to the Western European parts and gives rise to a characteristic climate in which it rains throughout the year. Unlike warm currents, cold currents do not give rise to moisture laden winds and hence there is no rainfall in the coastal areas. These currents give rise to conditions which are the cause of desertification in the affected coastal areas. For Example- Kalahari Desert is the result of cold Banguela current, whereas the Patagonia Desert is the result of the cold Falkland current.
Adam Smith
Image result for who is father of economics
Adam Smith is widely regarded as the father of modern economics. But he wasn't. The real founder may be someone most people have never heard of. More than 40 years before Adam Smith wrote "The Wealth of Nations," Richard Cantillon authored the "Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en general .