draw a structure of a tooth
The human teeth function to mechanically break down items of food by cutting and crushing them in preparation for swallowing and digesting. Humans have four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, which each have a specific function.
Humans, like other mammals, are diphyodont, meaning that they develop two sets of teeth. The first set (called the "baby", "milk", "primary", or "deciduous" set) normally starts to appear at about six months of age, although some babies are born with one or more visible teeth, known as natal teeth. Normal tooth eruption at about six months is known as teething and can be painful.
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A tooth consists of enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp tissue. The portion of a tooth exposed to the oral cavity is known as the dental crown, and the portion below the dental crown is known as the tooth root. The dental pulp cavity exists in the center of the tooth, through which the dental pulp, called the nerve, runs. In order to receive an impact on the tooth and to absorb and alleviate the force on the jaw, the surface of the tooth root area (cementum) and the alveolar bone are connected by a fibrous tissue called the periodontal ligament. The tooth is supported by the tissue consisting of the alveolar bone, gums and the periodontal ligament.
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