Draw, label and define the different parts of Visual Basic window.
Explanation:Explain various components available in VB window, explain each about them.
Visual basic window: – A visual basic window is also called integrated development environment (IDE) window. This window open when we click on standard exe icon from new project dialog box. In visual basic, a program is referred to as a project. Every visual basic project consists of at list two separate files called a project file and a form file. A project file which extension is .VBP and form file which extension is .FRM. Project file created only one but multiple form file and other type of file can also be included in a project. These files are called class module (.CLS) files, standard module (.BAS) files, resource (.RCS) file, ActiveX control (.OCX) file and show on, thus the development of a visual basic project involves keeping track of several different files and accessing these file individually within visual basic environment, as needed.
When we open a visual basic project window which is also called IDE window, its components are displayed in the following format.
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