Draw line A B.Take point M anywhere outside the line. Using a compass and ruler, draw a line M N perpendicular to line A B .
Draw line A B.Take point M anywhere outside the line. Using a compass and ruler, draw a line M N perpendicular to line A B .
Steps of construction:
1. Draw a line AB with known measure.
2. From point A draw an arc with a scale of more than half the measure of line AB above the line.
3. From point B draw an arc with a scale of more than half the measure of line AB above the line.
4. The point where the arcs intersect mark it as M.
5. From point A draw an arc with a scale of more than half the measure of line AB below the line.
6. From point B draw an arc with a scale of more than half the measure of line AB below the line.
7. The point where the arcs intersect mark it as N.
8. Join the points M and N.
9. Hence the line MN perpendicular to the line AB.