A man
to buy eggs
get more gold
dream broken.
In coming across Michael Cornwall’s excellent post about how Jung utilized emotion as a key in understanding the dream, I somehow got to wondering how Internet dream sites interpreted dreams of eggs.
In general, one has to be very careful of fixed interpretation of dream symbols. If I remember correctly, Jung would sometimes tell his gardener about his dreams, as a way of helping him understand that the dream wasn’t about, since his gardener would inevitably give him a kind of fixed/folk interpretation.
Keeping that caveat in mind, here are some attempted interpretations of egg symbolism from the Internet. So as not to encourage the fixed approach to dream interpretation, only one site is linked (Tony Crisp’s), one of the better ones.
Apart from being food the egg is used in dreams to indicate your potential, the parts of you as yet unrealised or not fertilised by your conscious action or quality.
It might also represent the female ovum, prenatal life, being pregnant and from that the possibility of new life, new opportunities. Because of this connection with being unborn it sometimes is used to show a retreat from life, a desire to stay in the egg.
An egg is fragile and because it holds the potential of life, can express the feeling of vulnerability with something precious.
If the shell of the egg is figured it may be saying, ‘come out of your shell’, grow up, or even “I do not want any part of life out of the womb”.
Whether the egg has hatched or not shows whether what is new in your life has emerged yet, or is still latent and needing further caring support.
Eggs can also represent nourishment, and if being eaten again link with potential – in this case nourishing your potential and helping it to develop.
The environment the egg or eggs are in gives a clue to the situation you are in regarding your potential and the development of what you are capable or. Basically you need to see if the eggs are protected, or in a difficult or threatening situation. If the latter, then you need to be more aware of how you are failing to support your own possibilities.