Drug taking violence/crime and fowl play can detect sport from nation building
Taking Drug is a crime . Many people are
decent on us and if we habituated
towards drugs then not only our loved
ones becomes far from us but also
destroy ourself . As they are taking
drugs they may go in a bad path .
Sometimes they will do any type of
crimes . They will be listing the drug not
knowing what happening around them .
if everyone in the nation takes drug then
it will affect any of the nation to develop.
Development is in our hands . Taking
drug weakens any nation . As they are
intoxicated they unable to define
differences between good and bad .
Here is your answer brainly user
- Taking drug is a crime .
We should not get addicted to drugs because sometimes over dosage can kill us and sometimes we get too much addicted towards drugs that if we can't get a single day we get mental and try to do anything ( good / bad) to get the drug .
National building is in future generations and if they get addicted to drug then our nation won't develop . So, the people who are addicted towards the drug must and should leave the drug . We must make them understand the value of life. And the persons who sell or do the business of drug are must be punished and sent to jail . Taking, consuming of drug is injurious to health as well as to your loved ones too .
Make Our nation → DRUG free nation .