due to modevation indian rivers are polluted hence suggest few measures to protect on rivers
Key HighlightsAlways check that your car engine is not spilling oilAvoid releasing construction waste into river.
New Delhi: Rivers are a lifeline to humans as they benefit them in various ways. Rivers are not only the source of water for human consumption but they also sustain agriculture and benefit us in other ways.
Once the water in rivers gets polluted, there are several harmful implications for us humans. Hence, we should always strive to keep our rivers clean and free from pollution.
Rivers are the arteries of India that provide source of water for living, agriculture, industries and host of many other purposes. India has a vast network of rivers across length and breadth of the country but unfortunately nation is unable to retain these beautiful rich natural resources as can be seen from ever depleting quality of water in major rivers of the nation like high incidence of pollution in Ganga, yamuna.
River pollution as is known is presence of particulate matters and harmful substances and chemicals in rivers beyond a level. looking at various factors like exceedingly high levels of feacal matters, coliforms and high BOD of Indian river waters raise a serious concern of bad state of river pollution in India. The causes for this high incidence of pollution are varied and perhaps unique to Indian scenario like
* High flow Untreated sewage waste largely pollutes the rivers.
* Non compliance in treating industrial waste before releasing to river bodies
* The High amount of urban centers trhiving on the banks of rivers add strain to the carrying capacity of the rivers especially in the ganga, yamuna,hoogly, krishna etc.
* The conduct of ritual on river banks and release of dead bodies are a major cause for concern.
* Unsustainable agricultural practices too add their share of damage to the rivers
The effects of high amount of pollution of the rivers are several like,
* High incidence of water borne disease in the states depending on the water from these rivers like UP, Bihar etc.
* Loss of marine bio diversity.
* Adverse Environmental impacts on climate and livelihood.
Governments one after another have taken congizance of the dangers of the issue and taken several measures in past like,
*Establishment of Ganga Action Plan in 1986 and allocated funds to control the depleting river ganga
* Nation River conservation Plan to take measures to control pollution of rivers
But these measures largely remained on paper and could not bring real results,
The present government has rightly accorded a high priority to river cleaning projects as seen from various reforms and budgetary actions like
* Renaming the ministry of water resources to "ministry of water resources, river development and ganga rejuvenation", indicating the high priority to river conservation
* schemes like namami ganga and clean ganga fund and allocated around 5000 crores for both.
* Made contribution to clean ganga fund tax exempted under IT act.
* Though it seems to accord a higher prominence to river ganga but it stands justified as that is one river which almost caters to around 500 million lives and is one of most polluted.
* Various other measures like making it mandatory to treat industrial waste before releasing into rivers and strict monitoring of the same across nation. But this needs to be strictly implemented.
the nations river wealth are in urgent need of conservation and rejuvenation before they are rendered practically dead rivers with its water beyond human use.