History, asked by pruthvirajdhamale889, 10 months ago

Observe any coin and note the following
Inscription on the coin
Metal used ...........
Year of the coin
Symbol on the coin ............
Picture, language, shape and denominatio
of the coin​


Answered by rathiramakanta


Coins are physical representations of monetary values. Like mental or verbal representations 5 of quantities, coins encode sums of money in formats shaped, in part, by cognitive and 6 communicative needs. Studying the coins circulating today, we consider how their design, 7 colour, and size reflect their value. We show that coin designs solve a trade-off between 8 informativeness-the pressure to highlight distinct denominations-and simplicity-the 9 pressure to limit the number of designs that coin users must memorise. Coinage worldwide is 10 more likely to display distinctive graphic designs and distinct colours on pairs of coins with 11 large differences in value, thus minimising the aggregate cost of mistaking one coin for 12 another. Coin size differentials, in contrast, do not seem to indicate greater value differentials, 13 although absolute coin sizes do reflect monetary values. Log-transformed values predict 14 design and colour distinctiveness in coin pairs, as well as absolute coin sizes, better than raw 15 values, consistent with research suggesting that monetary quantities may recruit the 16 "numerosity system" for magnitude representations, thought to track quantities 17 logarithmically. These results show that coins obey similar informational constraints as 18 linguistic and mental representations. 19 20

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