(e) Python uses..........
to identify a block.
A block is a group of statements in a program or script. Usually, it consists of at least one statement and declarations for the block, depending on the programming or scripting language. A language which allows grouping with blocks, is called a block structured language. Generally, blocks can contain blocks as well, so we get a nested block structure. A block in a script or program functions as a means to group statements to be treated as if they were one statement. In many cases, it also serves as a way to limit the lexical scope of variables and functions.
Initially, in simple languages like Basic and Fortran, there was no way of explicitly using block structures. Programmers had to rely on "go to" structures, nowadays frowned upon, because "Go to programs" turn easily into spaghetti code, i.e. tangled and inscrutable control structures.
Block structures were first formalized in ALGOL as a compound statement.
Programming languages, such as ALGOL, Pascal, and others, usually use certain methods to group statements into blocks:
begin ... end
A code snippet in Pascal to show this usage of blocks:
please follow me friend and mark me brienlset only one